Sunday, September 16, 2012

Assisted Living-Traveling.

I think it's time to seriously consider my sanity. I say this,dear reader (you should feel special since you are the only one...), cuz if you are my friend you will say something.
I made a decision to spend the New Year holiday with my father's sister's family in, wait for it, Dallas. Now, I must say that my previous visits have all been great. I really enjoy my family and all the people I encountered were always super polite and friendly, so I have nothing but good experiences in the Lone Star state. Still, I am a liberal Californian and admit to a certain amount of prejudice. It doesn't help that I am listening to a report about voter roll purging in the state.
But what does that have to do with the thrust of this blog? Well. Nothing. I like to rant.
What I am writing about: everything that could go wrong when traveling, has. No really. Delayed flight. Rental car smells. My cold hit with a vengeance. The hotel power went out. We moved hotels. It's raining. Oh did I mention that the old guy is seemingly more deaf and loosing his memory for things said 2 minutes before?
Still tonight we Jews will celebrate 5773 years of disorganized existence. Some will go to Shul, some will have large family dinners like the one we will be at tonight. And I am happy to have that connection to a blood line.
So despite the week's trials and tribulations, I shout a L'Shana Tova to all. Since a New Year means a new start and who doesn't love a new beginning?