Friday, November 23, 2012

Bingo bootie

The senior day care hands out prizes to the bingo winners. Usually I send them back to be re won. But finally a prize that came in useful! The kids loved the checkers game for at least an hour of fun on thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Assisted living. No rest for the caregiver

I know, most people think: "old person sits around,you get their money and live the good life". And I won't lie to you: he does sit around and I do get the money and if by good life you mean I have good but modest housing and get to eat $11 burgers, wellbthen its true. But you think being a parent is difficult, just try taking care of oneThis week the challenge was to get one of the 3 or 4 agencies that provide transport for elders to pick him up and return him at 3:30 to the home. Seems simple enough. Unless you live I one district and the daycare is in another. Teeth gnashed.
The next new subject I am studying. Is respite care. More soon on that.
My AM before work : laundry, four meals - 2 to go: vacuum,
My PM after work: pick up RX mess, shop TJ 's.