It seems that this country is incapable of following its own rules. We have this fantastic document (The Constitution...) that lays out the basic rights and responsibilities of its citizens,and still people want to forget it except when it is convenient (2nd A. and gun owners-love it, but Freedom of Speech? Only Ok if is my speech --but we don't want to talk about sex or show its many manifestations...especially "the perverted". Separation of Church and State? Only when its YOUR church; not the christian church, of course....)
So if you want to rail against the theocracy support the arts, support NGO's, make noise, be a thorn in the side, fight for impeachment of Bush and Cheney, get rid of non-profit status for churches to weed out the fakes, be yourself.
I have a head cold and this is probably looks like words to me but may not be. My apologies to the 3 people that might read it.
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