Sunday, September 13, 2009

Its harder that I thought....

I heard a story on NPR about a former rapper, Run, from Run DMC, had become a Reverend who has his own reality show on MTV and a huge Twitter following, where he gives out his daily words of wisdom-sometimes from his bubble bath.
Well, I thought, what makes his opinion on what words are wise any better than mine? I don't choose to have my entire life on TV, although, I could and it would be interesting- so that got me thinking that I should do something about my idea, vary from my norm of: have idea, do nothing.
so I have started to Tweet my WOW- Words O Wisdom. I have tweeted 2 promos and 2 actual WOW so far. my 79 followers have received the following:

It's on its new U R the 1st to get it! WOW:Words-O-Wisdom frm @debramiller66 following will not be boring, may b enlightening or even funny

Words-O-Wisdom? why u ask? why not? My philosophy is just as important as say...Reverend Run???? Just wait u will not be disappointed.

WOW # 1. Forgive yourself first.

WOW #2.Always use the restroom when opportunity presents: u just never know...

One of the reasons I started this is because I have a lot to say and it is a great challenge to to it in 180 characters. Also because, I am fascinated with the world of Internet celebrities. How does it happen and why? I think it is like everything else: a combination of timing, talent, perseverance, and did I say good timing? Movies made from books made from blogs. Newspaper articles talking about the new power brokers in the fashion world-the bloggers. Imagine success arriving at your doorstep. Knock Knock. Blogger shuffles, bed head and all to open the door to accolades and money.
Well, I have no illusions that will occur for me...but on the other hand, stranger things have happened. To me.

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