Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life is smacking me in the face. And by life I mean illness and death. No not mine, but all around. "they" say its how you deal with the hard stuff that tells the world about who you are as a person. So I am dealing with it all in the best way I know-drugs. NO silly. Just a little chocolate... and starring it in the face. Being present. Crying. Making a slide show for the Memorial of the dear boy child I never had. Laughing. Listening to music. Trying to not be resentful about who lives and who dies. Cause its chaos theory with a little will from us humans thrown in. Anyway, if you are interested in reading a beautiful but the squeamish be warned/x-rated view of my Baby Brian Also, a friend had a pulmonary something-she coded 4 times. Was in the ICU. But she was not ready to give up. Or something. (How do we really know what or why) She is alive, I am happy as is her wife of so many years and all her great friends in Seattle and the world. Julia has a recovery ahead of her but she is going to meet that challenge head on. So Life and Death. Big issues. and still when it comes down to the moment to moment, we forget. We make lunch, exercise, take a shower, go to work, gossip, see a movie, have sex (if you are lucky), sleep (if you are lucky). Today I take a moment between those other moments to find the gratitude to be around to hear, see and feel all of it. Then, its time to pick a song for the slide show.

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