Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TDT, aka Assisted Living Part 9.

My WWII air raid ring-tone goes off. Its the Old Guy. "Say do you have my wallet?". "How would I have your wallet?" (I am 10 miles and 2 galaxies away). "I guess I must have lost it in the City Ride bus." "Ok" says I. "I'll call them", says he.
So I call them, game the system and get to a human being in less than 40 minutes. Yes, the supervisor (hold for the supervisor) says, we have his wallet. I can bring it to you on Monday. Great!
Now this was before we were going up to San Francisco (see below posts), so I thought I would try to fool the Old Guy but putting together a "fake replacement wallet". But no, each day we are gone he asks me where his wallet is. Finally, I can't take it any longer (see below post). As today is Tuesday and obviously the wallet was not delivered yesterday, I approach a City Ride driver after I drop Old Guy off at the Adult Day Care Center where he goes on Tuesday and Thursday (see future post). The driver takes pity on the crazy lady and actually calls the dispatch. They do indeed have the wallet. The driver says, in his humble opinion he would suggest I just drive out to Pacoima to pick it up, that it might be 2 weeks before they actually bring it to me. And that is just what I did.(Random thought: what a horrible place to work and why wouldn't someone want to get out of there, if only to deliver a wallet someplace nice?)
My next challenge: how to talk the Old Guy into a wallet chain.

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