Saturday, November 3, 2012

Assisted living. No rest for the caregiver

I know, most people think: "old person sits around,you get their money and live the good life". And I won't lie to you: he does sit around and I do get the money and if by good life you mean I have good but modest housing and get to eat $11 burgers, wellbthen its true. But you think being a parent is difficult, just try taking care of oneThis week the challenge was to get one of the 3 or 4 agencies that provide transport for elders to pick him up and return him at 3:30 to the home. Seems simple enough. Unless you live I one district and the daycare is in another. Teeth gnashed.
The next new subject I am studying. Is respite care. More soon on that.
My AM before work : laundry, four meals - 2 to go: vacuum,
My PM after work: pick up RX mess, shop TJ 's.

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