Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hi My Name is Debra and I am a TV addict.

Just read a post where some brave woman admits to being a TV addict. So I thought I would come clean too.
TV has saved my life these past few years. Without the ongoing antics of, well, there are too many to name, since I am running out to the Paley Fest in Bev Hills, to hear the cast of NASHVILLE, talk.. but without those characters, I do not think I would have made it thus far. I admit to enjoying the acting, the stories, the productions, heck even a commercial or two. I know, heresy for a left leaning lesbian feminist. But they say the first step is admitting, and I am do that now. Plus, since my group meeting is during that early 6-7 hour I am not in fear of missing any of my shows. (Thank you TV G-ds for HULU, On-Demand and DVR). Ok now you can judge me.

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