I was going to write about something that Flaca said. It gave me a rolling giggle, and I thought that I would write about it if she wasnt going to. Damn. Its coming, it always does, but the retrieval is so
s l o w. Meanwhile, I will take a break. Maybe only a few hours, maybe days. But I will get back to it.
Oh yeah, the funny thing: Flaca just told me that for the end o' days, the apocalypse, instead of hording food and shot guns, she is going to learn to shuck oysters and wax eyebrows(ostensibly so she can look good and doesn't have to rely on others). I pointed out that a) its hard to wax one's own eyebrows, and 2) with your luck you would slice your hand off prying the suckers open (that is if you can find the oysters). Not to mention...WTF! Ok enough super silliness.

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