Over the past 8 years, I have managed to go away several times. Early on, I could leave the Old guy alone, with some pre-made food, arrange for someone to take him out one night. If I was to be gone for a longer period, I would have him stay with the "sister wives". One time, I had people scheduled to stay a night or two at the apartment. But recently, I have been reluctant to ask for this help. Oh I know people would say, "Of course, I'd like to help" when discussed in the hypothetical, but, when it comes down to specifics, the discussion gets a little fuzzy. And since it is the American Way to be self reliant, I decided to do it the old fashion way: pay someone. There is a great advantage to this, and the obvious disadvantage (cost). But I am able to do it and it provides me with peace of mind (or is that a piece of a mind? both probably). Old Guy gets a companion for the time who will be nice to him (she is paid) and a different cook. But mainly it makes him very happy when I return. As for me, I get a good chunk of time to return to my swinging single life. (insert tire screeches here) Yeah, that's not really true. I have, sadly, aged 8 years, and so, funny in an ironic way, not haha way, I have slowed down too. But I did get to enjoy just taking care of myself.
All the experts will tell you that taking care of the caretaker is very important. The truth is, it is very hard to accomplish. But, when you do get the chance your heart and head will thank you for it.
Then, its back to the grind.
Upon return:
"How was the wedding?". "What wedding?" "Didn't you go to San Francisco for a wedding?" " No, I went to Sacramento. No Wedding." "Oh, my mistake"
Next day:
"How was the wedding?"