Monday, May 28, 2007

A simple question, really.

Is anyone else appalled that Karl Rove remains in the Bush Administration? This guy is a criminal and continues to manipulate and turn inside out every action that occurs. His stay on point command seems to work. Lack of health care? 9/11-Fight terrorism. Immigration issue? 9/11-Fight Terrorism. Women's right to choose? 9/11 Fight terrorism.
Why are the Democrats* not pointing out the lies? Remember when Bush said he would get to the bottom of the leak in the White House? Nope, never did.
Oh the list goes on, and I have just a minute to finish this up, but why do we let this lying sack of poison continue to live in government? Do we really get the government we deserve? I hope not. Common, there must be some way we can get this evil out of our lives.
And my condolences go out to the families of the military. How must it feel to know that you were manipulated and lied to as a way of getting young bodies (and many not so young) to fight? I understand that you must continue to live in denial in order not to go crazy. But really we need your righteous anger now to stop the senseless murder of more soldiers, translators and news-people as well as as civilians. Embrace the difficult, save lives.

* Please buy some guts Democrats...its hard to think of donating to a bunch of people too scared to put their feet on the line.

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