Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day 2013

Interesting to watch people celebrate their New Year's Eve in this time of the social media blitz. In the olden days, you would just wait for a phone call or to run into someone to ask them what they did. In this moment in time I can know what you are doing in this moment of time. So, I have a list of pictures of happy, well dressed "friends" enjoying their evening. This does not make me feel any better about myself. I spent my night in raggedy clothes (yes, J. Crew makes awesome lounging gear-but how to justify spending bucks on something I will just stain and nobody will see?) watching fabulous people doing fabulous things. Kissing their true love (or love of the moment) at midnight. Me, not even so much. I blazed through the hour watching Holly Hunter in mid-80's confusion about having it all, and by all I mean integrity, a career and a man.
I have it all. And by all I mean, none of the above. I have life and for that I am grateful. I think. Yes, Yes, I am cuz most humans fight to stay alive and I am not that different from most humans. A grinchful Happy New Year to both of my dear readers.

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