Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Suck.

I was reading Chuck Lorre (Yes, I am clearly obsessed by this man-which in itself is weird for a past her if ever prime and a les-bo-heim to boot)and he wrote an article entitled:
A simple, step-by-step guide to prime time success.
It is, as you might imagine if you watch his shows, is funny.
But mostly what it made me realize is that I am a spectacular failure. I have one person following my blog, and I am pretty sure it is someone I am paying. I do not make any money as a writer, mostly cuz I refuse to call myself such or even show anyone my writing. I think having a highly commented on rant on fb is writing. Clearly, I am a v-e-r-y slow learner. I like to write. I like to write about what I think about things. There is not a lot of money in that- no wait, I think there is; I just dont know how to, as we like to say now, monetize it. I am not very motivated to succeed. What's up with that?
As it says in my copy of The Underachiever's Manifesto (yes it does exist and I wish I had written it, but I was too underachieving to do so)
GOOD ENOUGH IS GOOD ENOUGH. Actually it doesn't say that but that is the essence of the 10 points.
I would reprint the ten, but I will leave it to the next post. See if anyone reads this, of if it is, as I suspect, a very cheap form of self-therapy.
Enjoy this day after the second Inauguration of the first Black President (see it was not a mistake!)


The Big Redhead said...

Hey! You have more blog posts than I do and at least you let it all hang out. I agonize and edit and save and worry and then finally hit "publish." I actually don't "hit" the publish button. I hide under the desk and swat the keyboard with a pencil hoping it won't work.

I feel your pain sister. Perhaps we should write something together. Then we could blame the delay on each other.

Rhonda Talbot said...

It matters not what comes out on the page or what people think. I personally write for myself. If someone likes it cool. If they hate it. Cool. If they don't read it, cool. I think sometimes the paralysis comes in because ppl edit while writing or even before. Editing can be done after, and one of best things of writing w/o looking over you shoulder is you might surprise yourself which is the best writing. Keep going. I'm reading it. It's great.

Kivi Neimi said...

I need to leave a comment just to triple your expectation of readership

Unknown said...

WOW! really made my day! I am encouraged by the support. Thank you all for responding!!