An idea pops into my head. Ok, the truth serum is kicking in. An idea is germinated by something I hear on the radio. I decide to move forward with the idea, thinking it should be fairly simple, as I am going to crib most of it from my own seldom read blog. There was my first lesson. While cutting and pasting is somewhat simple for us, the e-book is a very specific creature. First I would have to choose between formats (cassette or 8 track? VHS or Beta? Soy or Coconut?). The Apple world has iAuthor. A fairly simple program, much like its other "art" programs; iMovie, iGarageband... Choose a design, drag and drop. Except when you want to do something else. Then arrggghh. The Kindle uses a more complex professional program, Adobe InDesign was the one I chose, that will let you do those "arrggghh" things, but it is far more time consuming. I started to format the book in both programs. The reason one can not just pick one is because if I publish in the easier one, Apple, I am forbidden from publishing on the Kindle brand, which cuts off the largest ebook store outlet, Amazon. But to save my sanity, I did pick one, hoping that some big author would sue and that problem would go away. So far, that hasn't happened.
But the real issue is not the formatting issues. The real issue is me. As we know from past musings, I am an underachiever. Laser-like focus on one project is not my best skill. I enjoy verring away. Taking a side road. Usually to a dead end, but as they say, its the journey. But now, as the final act begins, I desperately want to leave something. It seems that just having a body of under seen work is not enough. I don't have a child (the typical way of leaving something) and although I have been a part of many wonderful artistic endeavors, I don't have that one thing to point to. Not that one can physically hold an e-book, but you know what I am getting at.
However, (can't get the legalize writing out of me, no matter how many years have passed), I am slowly chipping away at it. I have 30+ pages lined up. Pictures too. Soon I will let someone else look at it and then I will have to be open to criticism and accept that some of the things I think are funny, just aren't. But that too will be ok. Because at the end of some day, I will have something to point to, even if it is on a iPad screen.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
About 10 years ago, I wrote the following bit. Somethings have changed, but most is the same. I tried to watch last night but was too early, and my roof is still too bright. When I awoke at 3, the clouds had taken over the sky. No meteor show for me.
August 1993
In a successful attempt to go against the flow, I decided to search the heavens for Perseid the day after the advertised "best time" for viewing. I donned my sweatshirt and headed fro the nearest thing to dark sky, the golf course at the start of the foothills. I arrived to find the lot empty, the masses having had their go the night before. I settled into my beach chair, leather jacket acting as a blanket, and keys poised for any attack by non-stellar visitors. As I lay back, eyes roaming, I began to think loft thoughts. The vastness of the sky, the universe and beyond are good jumping off places for deep meditations on the origin of humankind, God, religion. I began to wonder about my role in such a scheme, what my, in the immortal words of Steve Martin, "special purpose" was.
And then my mine would change the channels before I could even get a coherent thought on the essence of my being. I began to think about my laundry, or my current financial despair, or the fact that my back was killing me and my underemployment necessitated total use of my back. Just as I was about to get into a full blown depressive state about my situation, a meteorite would transverse the sky. A bright white-orange star with the longest tail I'd ever seen, shooting out into God knows where. I whoop and cheer, just as I do when a fireworks display is especially exciting. I didn't care if I was alone!
I saw six "shooting stars" over the hour that I sat outside. Each time that I thought I would not see any more, another one exploded in my vision. I wanted to stay all night but my back was stiff and a car intruded into my solitude. Time to go. I saw the Perseid Meteor Shower. I had some lofty thoughts, I had some human thoughts and I had a hell of a good time. I still don't know what my special purpose is, but somehow, it doesn't really matter.
August 1993
In a successful attempt to go against the flow, I decided to search the heavens for Perseid the day after the advertised "best time" for viewing. I donned my sweatshirt and headed fro the nearest thing to dark sky, the golf course at the start of the foothills. I arrived to find the lot empty, the masses having had their go the night before. I settled into my beach chair, leather jacket acting as a blanket, and keys poised for any attack by non-stellar visitors. As I lay back, eyes roaming, I began to think loft thoughts. The vastness of the sky, the universe and beyond are good jumping off places for deep meditations on the origin of humankind, God, religion. I began to wonder about my role in such a scheme, what my, in the immortal words of Steve Martin, "special purpose" was.
And then my mine would change the channels before I could even get a coherent thought on the essence of my being. I began to think about my laundry, or my current financial despair, or the fact that my back was killing me and my underemployment necessitated total use of my back. Just as I was about to get into a full blown depressive state about my situation, a meteorite would transverse the sky. A bright white-orange star with the longest tail I'd ever seen, shooting out into God knows where. I whoop and cheer, just as I do when a fireworks display is especially exciting. I didn't care if I was alone!
I saw six "shooting stars" over the hour that I sat outside. Each time that I thought I would not see any more, another one exploded in my vision. I wanted to stay all night but my back was stiff and a car intruded into my solitude. Time to go. I saw the Perseid Meteor Shower. I had some lofty thoughts, I had some human thoughts and I had a hell of a good time. I still don't know what my special purpose is, but somehow, it doesn't really matter.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Escape American Style
In the wake of yesterday's news- a legal outcome that befuddles common sense and a suicide by overdose that just befuddles, I want to hide in the place that I have come to call my "temple": the Movie Theater. It is a good time to do that, in the middle of a film festival located down the street. But it doesn't mean that I wont be barraged with reality. Sure, last night while the verdict in the murder trial for the victim, Trayvon Martin, and millions of tweets were blowing up the blog-a-sphere, I was laughing my ass off, at the appropriately entitled "Ass Backwards" by and starring two amazingly talented, beautiful and FUNNY women, Casey Wilson and June Diane Raphael. But today I will not get off so easy. I will see a film about the lives of two people who are living their gay lives in Cameroon, Africa, called "Born This Way". And there are sure to be many more where the harsh realities of the world are depicted on the screen. But there will also be the uplifting. A short documentary about two Lesbian women who 15 years ago adopted two girls from Ethiopia. There will be 5 extremely well done shorts made by at risk LGBTQ youth. There will be more silliness and laughter about our mutual predicament of living. And there will be the fantastic feeling of community. Young, old, the human coat of many colors, straight friends who love the other and good film. That is the part of life I like to celebrate, while acknowledging that many people are victims of sad, mean troubled people. A foot in both worlds, if you will.

OUTFEST Opening Night Festivities

OUTFEST Opening Night Festivities
Friday, July 12, 2013
Assisted Living: When you just need to GET AWAY
Over the past 8 years, I have managed to go away several times. Early on, I could leave the Old guy alone, with some pre-made food, arrange for someone to take him out one night. If I was to be gone for a longer period, I would have him stay with the "sister wives". One time, I had people scheduled to stay a night or two at the apartment. But recently, I have been reluctant to ask for this help. Oh I know people would say, "Of course, I'd like to help" when discussed in the hypothetical, but, when it comes down to specifics, the discussion gets a little fuzzy. And since it is the American Way to be self reliant, I decided to do it the old fashion way: pay someone. There is a great advantage to this, and the obvious disadvantage (cost). But I am able to do it and it provides me with peace of mind (or is that a piece of a mind? both probably). Old Guy gets a companion for the time who will be nice to him (she is paid) and a different cook. But mainly it makes him very happy when I return. As for me, I get a good chunk of time to return to my swinging single life. (insert tire screeches here) Yeah, that's not really true. I have, sadly, aged 8 years, and so, funny in an ironic way, not haha way, I have slowed down too. But I did get to enjoy just taking care of myself.
All the experts will tell you that taking care of the caretaker is very important. The truth is, it is very hard to accomplish. But, when you do get the chance your heart and head will thank you for it.
Then, its back to the grind.
Upon return:
"How was the wedding?". "What wedding?" "Didn't you go to San Francisco for a wedding?" " No, I went to Sacramento. No Wedding." "Oh, my mistake"
Next day:
"How was the wedding?"
All the experts will tell you that taking care of the caretaker is very important. The truth is, it is very hard to accomplish. But, when you do get the chance your heart and head will thank you for it.
Then, its back to the grind.
Upon return:
"How was the wedding?". "What wedding?" "Didn't you go to San Francisco for a wedding?" " No, I went to Sacramento. No Wedding." "Oh, my mistake"
Next day:
"How was the wedding?"
Monday, June 24, 2013
Still Alive and writing...
So, all three of my readers already know that I am writing an E-Book entitled...well, lets make that a surprise for when I actually finish the damn thing! Suffice it to say, that these little writing exercises I like to call Blog Posts, are in it. I am having fun learning two new formatting programs cuz the world likes to make it really difficult (did we really have to let the cassette win, when 8 track was so superior in sound quality?), again, apropos of nothing. AH Ha! maybe that will be the title. dont steal it Chuck Lorre.
Speaking of whom, I am going to reprint his recent Vanity Card, just because it sounds right. I do believe comedy writers are our new philosophers. We don't have time for thick tomes on life and death; much easier to write that into an episode of a sit com.
Yes, I am still open to that world's oldest PA job in the writers room, Mr. Lorre.
Read and ponder....
I've been thinking about becoming a polytheist. No, this has nothing to do with missing Battlestar Galactica. And yes, I realize my blasphemous notion flies in the face of a few thousand years of "Ye shall have no other gods before me." (To be honest, even when I was a kid that commandment troubled me. It sounded like a jealous girlfriend saying, "If I catch you looking at other girls, you're in big trouble, Mister!" And don't get me started on how "no other gods before me" kinda implies that there might actually be some other gods loitering about.) But my main reason for considering becoming a Pagan (Pagish? Jewgan?), is that it neatly answers the age-old question, "Why does god allow so much suffering in the world?" When tragedy strikes, the monotheistic approach can only offer the tired old, "It is not for us to question god's will." Really? Why not us? Who else is in the questioning business? But look what happens when we ask the same question from a pantheistic perspective. Why do the gods allow so much suffering in the world? Because outside of their particular area of expertise: farming, war, fertility, what-have-you, they are not even remotely in control. The buck stops nowhere. (In this scenario both the Old Testament and New Testament deities are off the hook as far as your general suffering is concerned.) But here's the really good news: with a polytheistic approach to prayer we can micro-target our beseeching. Trouble with love? Take it to Aphrodite. Not catching enough fish? Poseidon. Are you regularly waking up from alcohol-induced blackouts in the sleeping compartment of long-haul trucks that carry circus equipment and little people? That sounds like a job for Dionysus. Need your sitcom pilot to get picked up for the Fall season? Les Moonves. In other words, whatever the crisis might be, there's a god ready to take your call. What are you waiting for? Call now and receive a free goat-sacrificing kit! (Goat sold separately.)
Speaking of whom, I am going to reprint his recent Vanity Card, just because it sounds right. I do believe comedy writers are our new philosophers. We don't have time for thick tomes on life and death; much easier to write that into an episode of a sit com.
Yes, I am still open to that world's oldest PA job in the writers room, Mr. Lorre.
Read and ponder....
I've been thinking about becoming a polytheist. No, this has nothing to do with missing Battlestar Galactica. And yes, I realize my blasphemous notion flies in the face of a few thousand years of "Ye shall have no other gods before me." (To be honest, even when I was a kid that commandment troubled me. It sounded like a jealous girlfriend saying, "If I catch you looking at other girls, you're in big trouble, Mister!" And don't get me started on how "no other gods before me" kinda implies that there might actually be some other gods loitering about.) But my main reason for considering becoming a Pagan (Pagish? Jewgan?), is that it neatly answers the age-old question, "Why does god allow so much suffering in the world?" When tragedy strikes, the monotheistic approach can only offer the tired old, "It is not for us to question god's will." Really? Why not us? Who else is in the questioning business? But look what happens when we ask the same question from a pantheistic perspective. Why do the gods allow so much suffering in the world? Because outside of their particular area of expertise: farming, war, fertility, what-have-you, they are not even remotely in control. The buck stops nowhere. (In this scenario both the Old Testament and New Testament deities are off the hook as far as your general suffering is concerned.) But here's the really good news: with a polytheistic approach to prayer we can micro-target our beseeching. Trouble with love? Take it to Aphrodite. Not catching enough fish? Poseidon. Are you regularly waking up from alcohol-induced blackouts in the sleeping compartment of long-haul trucks that carry circus equipment and little people? That sounds like a job for Dionysus. Need your sitcom pilot to get picked up for the Fall season? Les Moonves. In other words, whatever the crisis might be, there's a god ready to take your call. What are you waiting for? Call now and receive a free goat-sacrificing kit! (Goat sold separately.)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Assisted Living : Passive-Aggressive
A little while ago, I noticed the OG was slowing down. I went to the handy interwebs and did a little research on the next generation of canes (we have progressed from a standard cane to one with 4 posts-Quad Cane

This seemed to work for a while, a long while actually, but now it was time to go to the rolling walker with seat

I assembled the walker after work, while he was watching TV. I asked him to give it a try. He said to me with astonishment and outrage: "I don't need that!". And because I am an IDIOT, I responded. I cited all the reasons that he did. Then after exhausting myself with my own craziness, I set the walker in the corner and left the room. About 15 minutes later, he came to me to ask me how it worked.
You would think that I would have already learned that lesson. Many days, when the temperature is cool, 75 degrees (I do know how ludicrous this sounds to those outside of southern California), He refuses to go in the "Hot" Tub-spa. But, I say (note the pattern here) "it is 104 degrees IN the tub, and you have a big fury robe to warm you up after." To no avail. So I go to my room, busy myself with drugs and alcohol, and soon he is walking down the hall in his swim shorts and towel.
Moral to the story: Concede early and shut the heck up!

This seemed to work for a while, a long while actually, but now it was time to go to the rolling walker with seat

I assembled the walker after work, while he was watching TV. I asked him to give it a try. He said to me with astonishment and outrage: "I don't need that!". And because I am an IDIOT, I responded. I cited all the reasons that he did. Then after exhausting myself with my own craziness, I set the walker in the corner and left the room. About 15 minutes later, he came to me to ask me how it worked.
You would think that I would have already learned that lesson. Many days, when the temperature is cool, 75 degrees (I do know how ludicrous this sounds to those outside of southern California), He refuses to go in the "Hot" Tub-spa. But, I say (note the pattern here) "it is 104 degrees IN the tub, and you have a big fury robe to warm you up after." To no avail. So I go to my room, busy myself with drugs and alcohol, and soon he is walking down the hall in his swim shorts and towel.
Moral to the story: Concede early and shut the heck up!
Friday, May 10, 2013

I rode to the WOW Cafe on 11th street, flush with excitement. No one there seemed to care. So I rode home. Just as I finished my 5 flights of stairs with my bike, my phone rang. A man asked "if I was Debra Miller, the Debra Miller who found the man who mugged my wife?" He was so grateful and happy and wanted me to have a reward. They invited me to dinner and gave me $50 bucks! They were great people in that fantastic apartment building, The Brevoort, on 5th Avenue at 8th.
But it didn’t end there. In NYC the way criminals are prosecuted is through the ancient “Grand Jury” system. A group of citizens are impaneled for a year (it becomes their job), where they decide if a crime warrants prosecution. These people had heard everything. They were over it. The DA is examining me and I am telling the above story. They still don’t react. Finally he says, "Ms. Miller, tell the Jury how you caught the perpetrator?" "On my bicycle." They all sat up. You must remember that in addition to no cell phones, bike cops had not yet been “invented”. I may have been the impetus but I’ll leave that decision up to you (Forrest G anyone?).
So how did the Daily News find out about you? Well, some time had passed, and I was telling a new friend the story (cuz ya’all know I like to tell my stories). She said that I was a Crimestopper. A what? Clearly, I was not a Daily News reader. She proceeded to write the story up and send it to the paper. They investigated, and viola! I am chosen.
My friend drove me down to the paper on the back of her Vespa, where I was interviewed. I had been up late celebrating an Opening Night with my friends, The SplitBritches, so my head was a wee bit foggy. The writer basically eek-ed the feminist twist out of me, but it wasn’t really too far from the truth, since we all know that I have been a proud Fed Up Fem(inist) for all my life!

Daily News,
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Back to the Future (or a snippet of what is instore for me...)
I am starring at my keyboard, as if it will magically tell me the hysterical post I was going to write, but have convienently forgotten. Convenient because now I am free to write about anything, and of course, that is just the opposite of convenient becase it means I have to think. So what I observe is just how dirty my keyboard is. It looks like it should be at the desk of a 22 year old gamer, who lives in her/his parents basement and drinks coke and red bull. Whose alter ego, they call those avatars, Debra, is a buxom warrior (regardless of their gender in real life) who slays others with her sword and biting wit. But no, it is the keyboard of a sloppy boomer, too busy cleaning her fathers mis-haps in the the bathroom and making microwaveable meals.
I was going to write about something that Flaca said. It gave me a rolling giggle, and I thought that I would write about it if she wasnt going to. Damn. Its coming, it always does, but the retrieval is so
s l o w. Meanwhile, I will take a break. Maybe only a few hours, maybe days. But I will get back to it.
Oh yeah, the funny thing: Flaca just told me that for the end o' days, the apocalypse, instead of hording food and shot guns, she is going to learn to shuck oysters and wax eyebrows(ostensibly so she can look good and doesn't have to rely on others). I pointed out that a) its hard to wax one's own eyebrows, and 2) with your luck you would slice your hand off prying the suckers open (that is if you can find the oysters). Not to mention...WTF! Ok enough super silliness.
I was going to write about something that Flaca said. It gave me a rolling giggle, and I thought that I would write about it if she wasnt going to. Damn. Its coming, it always does, but the retrieval is so
s l o w. Meanwhile, I will take a break. Maybe only a few hours, maybe days. But I will get back to it.
Oh yeah, the funny thing: Flaca just told me that for the end o' days, the apocalypse, instead of hording food and shot guns, she is going to learn to shuck oysters and wax eyebrows(ostensibly so she can look good and doesn't have to rely on others). I pointed out that a) its hard to wax one's own eyebrows, and 2) with your luck you would slice your hand off prying the suckers open (that is if you can find the oysters). Not to mention...WTF! Ok enough super silliness.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I have been out since 1972. All we have wanted is equality under the law, and to live our lives in safety. You don't have to love or even like us; hell I dont like all of us. But really?
Thats all I got. Right now.
Equal rights. sex,
screaming goats,
Supreme Court
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Hi My Name is Debra and I am a TV addict.
Just read a post where some brave woman admits to being a TV addict. So I thought I would come clean too.
TV has saved my life these past few years. Without the ongoing antics of, well, there are too many to name, since I am running out to the Paley Fest in Bev Hills, to hear the cast of NASHVILLE, talk.. but without those characters, I do not think I would have made it thus far. I admit to enjoying the acting, the stories, the productions, heck even a commercial or two. I know, heresy for a left leaning lesbian feminist. But they say the first step is admitting, and I am do that now. Plus, since my group meeting is during that early 6-7 hour I am not in fear of missing any of my shows. (Thank you TV G-ds for HULU, On-Demand and DVR). Ok now you can judge me.
TV has saved my life these past few years. Without the ongoing antics of, well, there are too many to name, since I am running out to the Paley Fest in Bev Hills, to hear the cast of NASHVILLE, talk.. but without those characters, I do not think I would have made it thus far. I admit to enjoying the acting, the stories, the productions, heck even a commercial or two. I know, heresy for a left leaning lesbian feminist. But they say the first step is admitting, and I am do that now. Plus, since my group meeting is during that early 6-7 hour I am not in fear of missing any of my shows. (Thank you TV G-ds for HULU, On-Demand and DVR). Ok now you can judge me.

Sunday, February 24, 2013
And the Award never goes to: a comedy! Or my unglamorous life....

I really shouldn't complain. I had a fairly alternative glamour night yesterday (beware: name dropping to follow). I went to a huge art opening of the beloved and famous dyke photographer, Catherine Opie, where John Waters roamed looking at photos of Diana Nyad, the designing Mulleavy sisters, and my friends Julie Tolentino and Pig Pen. Among other well know faces were directors Kimberly Pierce and Jamie Babbitt; friend and producer Steak House, Valerie Stadler;my production designer boy wonder, Michael Fitzgerald, and my sidekick in troublemaking, the writer Michelle Meyers (Immaculate Complexion). It was crowded with interesting looking people who most likely did interesting type things. Then off to a small party in honor of an old friend, Holly Hughes, in town to perform and teach at USC. The performance artist/actor John Fleck as well as the lesbian folksinger (who opened for the Smiths in the early 80's)Phranc, were among the guests. So no, it wasn't the Independent Spirit award, and never would be the Oscars (that would mean a time machine, plastic surgery and talent), but it was something! And so it should come as no surprise that I blew my wad last night and today I am sitting at my computer, in a torn sweatshirt (formal gown at the cleaners), filling in my home ballot, before moving into the living room to watch the Oscar telecast with the Ol' guy. May the team with the most money for publicity war, win!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I am sick of people thinking that family values mean a primary typical family unit. I am here to tell you that it IS different for Lesbians (Dykes, Wimmen loving Wimmen, female homosexuals...). Many of us have chosen not to raise children. There are as many reasons as there are stars in the sky...but suffice it to say, we made a choice. The option of having a daughter (son...maybe) take care of you in your old age, say as I am doing for my father, is, well, none. What do we do when the proverbial cancer, MS, joint replacement, homelessness, hits the fan? We reach out to our, what is referred to as, the extended family of ex-lovers. This is very different from the hetero norm, or in my experience the gay men’s world.
I have so many examples of this, including my own, and one that is happening right now.
In my case, I needed a new shoulder (years of lesbian sex had taken its toll and I am proud to announce that...). I needed someone to take care of not only me, but my father, for whom I am responsible . Who did I call? Yes after Ghost Busters, my ex-gal pay from the 1980’s, (let’s call her Lynn). Now, Lynn had just been a year out of Chemo herself, and I had sent her some helping funds when she was recovering, since I could not get away (see above responsibility), but she volunteered to come out and take care of Dad and I. Did you see the date? 1980’s. That’s a long time to remain friends, ne, family.
Currently, an acquaintance,really,is going through a gnarly operation. She is staying with her ex and her ex’s current partner. Legions of friends visit her, and I imagine some are even her ex-lovers. Do you ever see that in the hetero world? Nope.
So in conclusion, I‘d like to say:suck on it right wing, cuz Lesbian have True Family Values.
I have so many examples of this, including my own, and one that is happening right now.
In my case, I needed a new shoulder (years of lesbian sex had taken its toll and I am proud to announce that...). I needed someone to take care of not only me, but my father, for whom I am responsible . Who did I call? Yes after Ghost Busters, my ex-gal pay from the 1980’s, (let’s call her Lynn). Now, Lynn had just been a year out of Chemo herself, and I had sent her some helping funds when she was recovering, since I could not get away (see above responsibility), but she volunteered to come out and take care of Dad and I. Did you see the date? 1980’s. That’s a long time to remain friends, ne, family.
Currently, an acquaintance,really,is going through a gnarly operation. She is staying with her ex and her ex’s current partner. Legions of friends visit her, and I imagine some are even her ex-lovers. Do you ever see that in the hetero world? Nope.
So in conclusion, I‘d like to say:suck on it right wing, cuz Lesbian have True Family Values.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
I Suck.
I was reading Chuck Lorre (Yes, I am clearly obsessed by this man-which in itself is weird for a past her if ever prime and a les-bo-heim to boot)and he wrote an article entitled:
A simple, step-by-step guide to prime time success.
It is, as you might imagine if you watch his shows, is funny.
But mostly what it made me realize is that I am a spectacular failure. I have one person following my blog, and I am pretty sure it is someone I am paying. I do not make any money as a writer, mostly cuz I refuse to call myself such or even show anyone my writing. I think having a highly commented on rant on fb is writing. Clearly, I am a v-e-r-y slow learner. I like to write. I like to write about what I think about things. There is not a lot of money in that- no wait, I think there is; I just dont know how to, as we like to say now, monetize it. I am not very motivated to succeed. What's up with that?
As it says in my copy of The Underachiever's Manifesto (yes it does exist and I wish I had written it, but I was too underachieving to do so)
GOOD ENOUGH IS GOOD ENOUGH. Actually it doesn't say that but that is the essence of the 10 points.
I would reprint the ten, but I will leave it to the next post. See if anyone reads this, of if it is, as I suspect, a very cheap form of self-therapy.
Enjoy this day after the second Inauguration of the first Black President (see it was not a mistake!)
A simple, step-by-step guide to prime time success.
It is, as you might imagine if you watch his shows, is funny.
But mostly what it made me realize is that I am a spectacular failure. I have one person following my blog, and I am pretty sure it is someone I am paying. I do not make any money as a writer, mostly cuz I refuse to call myself such or even show anyone my writing. I think having a highly commented on rant on fb is writing. Clearly, I am a v-e-r-y slow learner. I like to write. I like to write about what I think about things. There is not a lot of money in that- no wait, I think there is; I just dont know how to, as we like to say now, monetize it. I am not very motivated to succeed. What's up with that?
As it says in my copy of The Underachiever's Manifesto (yes it does exist and I wish I had written it, but I was too underachieving to do so)
GOOD ENOUGH IS GOOD ENOUGH. Actually it doesn't say that but that is the essence of the 10 points.
I would reprint the ten, but I will leave it to the next post. See if anyone reads this, of if it is, as I suspect, a very cheap form of self-therapy.
Enjoy this day after the second Inauguration of the first Black President (see it was not a mistake!)
Chuck Lorre,
Underachiever's Manifesto
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Year's Day 2013
Interesting to watch people celebrate their New Year's Eve in this time of the social media blitz. In the olden days, you would just wait for a phone call or to run into someone to ask them what they did. In this moment in time I can know what you are doing in this moment of time. So, I have a list of pictures of happy, well dressed "friends" enjoying their evening. This does not make me feel any better about myself. I spent my night in raggedy clothes (yes, J. Crew makes awesome lounging gear-but how to justify spending bucks on something I will just stain and nobody will see?) watching fabulous people doing fabulous things. Kissing their true love (or love of the moment) at midnight. Me, not even so much. I blazed through the hour watching Holly Hunter in mid-80's confusion about having it all, and by all I mean integrity, a career and a man.
I have it all. And by all I mean, none of the above. I have life and for that I am grateful. I think. Yes, Yes, I am cuz most humans fight to stay alive and I am not that different from most humans. A grinchful Happy New Year to both of my dear readers.
I have it all. And by all I mean, none of the above. I have life and for that I am grateful. I think. Yes, Yes, I am cuz most humans fight to stay alive and I am not that different from most humans. A grinchful Happy New Year to both of my dear readers.
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